Ahu Charitable Trust ki Pukerua Bay

We aim to make Pukerua Bay a great community for everyone.

Our History

Pukerua Bay Hub is run by Ahu Charitable Trust ki Pukerua Bay, a registered charity.

Ahu was established in 2017 by locals, with the charitable pillars of community, education, and relief of poverty. Its mission is for “better connected, vibrant, resilient communities where all people have opportunities to enjoy the company of others, get to know their ‘neighbours’ and share knowledge and skills”.

Our Trustees

Our trustees are volunteers from the local community who are willing to give their time and passion to build a stronger community together.

Chair: Kelly McClean

Treasurer: Natalie Phillips

Secretary: Megan Melidonis

Trustees: Beccy Davis, Lani Evans, Aimee Porteners

Connect with us

Please visit our page on Facebook to see the latest updates about Pukerua Bay events, workshops and local clubs.